Super Spread Zoom Reading
12-15 card pull reading from multiple decks to provide the full scoop on your energy via Zoom call.
Service Description
This is VERY Deep Reading where we will be face to face (virtually) on Zoom. You are able to ask questions to gain clarity and insight on your situation. I will also be able to provide you with insight straight from The Divine without the cards. You will receive the Zoom link shortly after booking. Please provide your email, and you will receive the zoom link shortly after booking. Please keep in mind that questions are a separate/add-on charge. Add that to your booking should you want a specific question answered, otherwise you will just receive your regular reading.
Cancellation Policy
There will be no refunds for cancellations that are not within the 24 hour time period. Refunds are only for those who want to cancel a booking that is 24 hours or more away. Refunds are also not issued if you miss your appointment, don't agree with the reading, or want to receive more insight than what you paid for.